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M I L I A 

Natural Beauty

Milia are small, harmless cysts under the skin’s surface that appear as tiny white bumps on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and around the eyes. Unlike whiteheads, which are clogged pores filled with dead skin cells, bacteria and sebum, milia form when keratin, a protein naturally found on the skin’s outermost layer builds up, hardens and becomes trapped beneath the skin. 

It can crop up as if out of nowhere but usually heals itself within a few months. Also on the other hand, it can be the result of skin trauma or infection. This type of milia can be more stubborn. As with all skin conditions, lifestyle factors including diet, excessive sun exposure and lack of sleep can all contribute to the developing milia.

I’d recommend seeing a dermatologist who can manually remove the spots by lancing tool or sterile equipment. PLEASE please don’t squeeze them at home. Not only will this be ineffective, but it can also damage the skin and lead to scarring.


Wear SPF every day!
Milia is more prevalent in those with sun-damaged skin, so be sure to protect yourself from harmful UV rays with the daily application of SPF50.


The difference between whitespots and milia


Whiteheads are caused by a buildup of dead skin cells, dirt, makeup and sebum. They can be squeezed, although I don't advise it, as unlike blackheads, they’re covered by a layer of skin.

Blackheads are not covered by a layer of skin and are therefore exposed to the air, making them easier to squeeze. But I still don't recommend picking at blackheads.

Instead, milia are a type of cyst rather than a spot. They often form in clusters in one or more areas of the face.

Milia white spots on the face are caused by the buildup of a natural skin protein called keratin becoming trapped just below the skin’s surface. Keratin is a very strong protein that makes up the majority of our hair and nails, but also forms part of the skin.


For milia, whitespots and  blackheads treatment is best leave for  professionals. There are a number of options available to you, and your skin care professional will be able to advise which milia treatment might be best suited to you.











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