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W E L C O M E    T O    K I N G A    F I L A




P L E A S E   V I S I T   M Y   S  H O P 

S K I N   S P E C I A L I S T    A N D   L I N E R G I S T

I'm a skin specialist and brow artist for over 20 years. I've been fortunate to live and study in London for 17 years. 

   L O V E   T H E   S K I N   Y O U   A R E   I N

LILinda  Meredith 

M Y   A R T   O F   B E A U T Y 

L I N D A     M E R E D I T H 

E X C L U S I V E    C O L L E C T I O N   F R O M    L O N D O N 

 T E S T I M O N I A L S 

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Miss Fila joined the LM team in Knightsbridge London in 2014 where prior to her transfer she had specialised in facials and massage at the Famous London Chelsea football club. From the very beginning it was obvious she had an enthusiasm to expand her knowledge of Skincare as my salon in Knightsbridge catered to an International clientele from “A” list Celebrities and Royal Families from around the World.Miss Fila began as a therapist and very quickly built up a full client base with a waiting list due to her interaction and care with the clients she was looking after.Within a short time, due to her complete dedication to the company she was promoted to International Trainer and travelled to many countries throughout the World teaching The LM methods and concepts for Skincare in the 21st Century.She was a huge asset to the company and a loss when she decided to expand her knowledge even further and since the beginning of The Pandemic has spent her time continuing her education in the Beauty Industry expanding her scope into alternative therapys she is passionate about.She is an excellent educator which I am sure will be part of her plans for the future. I wish her every success and happiness for the future.


Linda Meredith

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